
When Ali Abbassi Monjezi, wanted to take on the injustice of low-quality water supply for billions on a global scale, he created a simple and compact way to treat almost any type of water to a drinkable standard.
Ali’s company, Waterwhelm, uses low-grade thermal energy to treat water to help the one in three people without proper access to clean and regularly available water for drinking and sanitation. The technology combines a novel membrane process with solar thermal energy, geothermal energy or waste heat to treat water and wastewater or to de-salinate seawater whilst significantly reducing costs and improving access.
After finishing his degree in Chemical Engineering, Ali grew to understand the scale of water problems across the developing world, and decided to found Waterwhelm as a business with lasting impact. Validation followed quickly by winning the Kickstart Challenge in 2019, demonstrating real potential for Waterwhelm’s aims to reinvent water supply for those most in need.
For Ali, the biggest thrill has been seeing the science prove that he has a business worth building. Waterwhelm has already grown to four people and they are actively engaging with key customers. The next steps will involve successful pilot plants that open the door to making a genuine difference worldwide.