Reaching for the stars
Meet Dr Maggie, space scientist, broadcaster, and author, fueled by the Moon landings and imaginary worlds of science fiction (especially Star Trek) all her life dreamt of getting out there into space. But things have not been easy for her. Going to 13 different schools and having undiagnosed dyslexia meant the school was a challenging place. But when you have a big, wonderful, powerful dream, anything is possible.
Maggie now runs her own company and speaks to people all across the world. She will discuss her life journey and lessons she has learned on the way. She will also take her listeners on a journey into space and time. Starting at our amazing planet and how space science is helping us tackle some of our biggest challenges. Then out through our solar system, when will we be living on other planets? Then further out into our galaxy, looking at the many other solar systems out there, and beyond to the wider universe itself. As well as lessons learned Maggie will explore some of the deep philosophical questions that we humans have always asked, are we alone in the universe? How did it all begin? and will we ever, literally, reach the stars?
Dame Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock is a scientist and broadcaster referred to as the BBC’s ‘face of space’. She is the presenter of the astronomical institution The Sky at Night, has fronted a number of space documentaries, and regularly appears on science and non-science programmes. Read more about Dame Maggie here.