Pick Protection

Rebecca Pick, Founder of Pick Protection, took the KickStart runner-up prize in 2014 for her wearable personal alarm while studying at the University of Strathclyde.
The idea for the business came after she heard of an assault on a woman who lived in her block of flats. Popular with lone and high-risk workers, the device connects users to Pick’s Alarm Receiving Centre within six seconds, significantly faster than a 999 call, prompting a Category 1 police response to the exact GPS location. The audio of any incident involving an alarm user is also recorded and can be used as court evidence if required.
Used by more than 6,000 people in the UK, Pick Protection was recently acquired by car dealer, Arnold Clark. The motoring group has been involved in extensive work to develop the platform system and offering and Pick Protection will work alongside its Assure Alarms team.