Murgitroyd Announces New Converge IP Support Team
Murgitroyd, a long-standing partner providing exclusive Intellectual Property advice to Converge participants has just announced a new, dedicated Converge IP Support Team.

Heading up the new team is Director of Trade Marks, Chris Cairns, a Senior Trade Mark Attorney with over 20 years’ experience of working with companies of all sizes to help them identify, secure and defend their Intellectual Property rights. Supporting Chris are Patents Scientists, Helen Lavery, a specialist in Life Sciences and Wei Zhang, a specialist in the field of Electronics.
Dr Claudia Cavalluzzo, Director of Converge comments:
“Murgitroyd has been a valued Converge partner since our launch in 2011, helping hundreds of Converge alumni take the right steps towards developing successful businesses. We are delighted to be working with them again in 2020 and look forward to another successful year”.