KickStart Application Form 2023
Question 1
Non-confidential summary (100 words)
- Please provide a brief summary of your idea for an innovative new product/service.
Question 2
Marketing Information
- Please provide your business description in 280 CHARACTERS (not words), in the style of a Twitter bio.
Question 3
Your Business Proposition (500 words)
- Describe your idea for a product/service
- Describe the problem your idea solves
- If relevant, what is the potential social, cultural, educational or environmental impact of your idea?
- How is your idea innovative?
- What stage of development is your idea? (e.g., concept stage, prototype stage)
- How will you prevent others from copying your idea?
- How would this idea make money?
- Please provide details of any previous funding/investment received
Question 4
Your Customers (250 words)
- Who is likely to buy your product/service?
- How have you interacted with your potential customers?
- How will you get your product/service to your customers?
Question 5
Resource Planning (250 words)
- What do you hope to achieve in the next 12 months to develop your business idea?
- In which areas do you need support to meet your 12-month plan?
- How much money do you think you need to get your idea to the next stage of development? (e.g., from concept to first prototype; from prototype to minimum viable product)
- What skills/team do you need to turn your idea into a business?
- What other resources will you need to develop your plan? (e.g., lab access, equipment, software, etc.)
Attachments (Optional): You may upload a single image file equivalent to 1-2 pages in length to help the judges visualise your product or service more clearly. Examples include pictures of a prototype/product, process map, app mock-ups, sample product specification sheet for customers and logos. You should not upload spr