Entrepreneurship has its ups and downs

Let us guide you through the twists and turns of starting a new business.

Whether you’re a student, recent graduate or academic, we can provide you with the skills, support, guidance and funding to springboard your big idea from concept to reality.

Who we are

Working in collaboration with Scotland’s universities, we uncover emerging spinouts and start-ups, acting as a catalyst to accelerate the creation of innovative products and services that will improve lives and safeguard our planet.

Open to university staff, students and recent graduates across Scotland, our programme is designed to springboard new businesses through intensive business training, networking, 1-2-1 support, generous equity-free cash prizes and expert advice from our roster of industry partners.

We run four challenge categories tailored to developing business across all sectors and stages of development.


Entrepreneurs trained


Companies created


High value jobs created


Follow-on funding raised

Find your challenge

Holly for Home page
  • £50k top prize
  • £20k runner-up
  • All sectors and enterprise types

Converge Challenge is open to high-calibre, innovative projects with serious growth potential. If you have a ground-breaking idea, this is the challenge for you.

Find out more

Faisal for Home page
  • £30k top prize
  • £10k runner up
  • Clean tech & environmental

Designed to support Scotland’s efforts in becoming a carbon neutral nation by 2045, we welcome projects that can deliver maximum impact for Scotland’s net zero goal.

Find out more

Marwa for home page
  • £30k top prize
  • 2 x runner-up prizes £10k
  • Creative & social

If you're a social shaker or creative thinker looking to change the world for the better, then this challenge is for you.

Find out more

  • £10k top prize
  • 2 x runner-up prizes £7.5k
  • 1 x special prize £5k
  • Early-stage business ideas

KickStart Challenge is a first step towards commercialisation for early-stage business ideas. It’s designed to test the robustness of your idea, equip you for the realities of entrepreneurship and prepare you for our more advanced challenge categories.

Find out more

It's the best thing I've done in my career. The PR it created allowed the business to grow very quickly by drawing in significant investment.

Dave Hughes
Novosound, 2017 Winner

Welcome to the family

Hundreds of aspiring academic entrepreneurs have been through the Converge programme. We think of them as family and are behind them every step of the way, supporting their journey and celebrating their success.

Supporting you, every step of the way

We are an experienced, hands-on, approachable team ready to help make your business idea a reality. We work closely with participants from Scotland's university network on their journey from academia to entrepreneurship, supporting them every step of the way.

Meet the team

Our latest news, thoughts and events


Scotland’s top academic innovators celebrated at Converge awards

Scotland’s top academic innovators were celebrated at the Converge Awards ceremony in Edinburgh, with life sciences innovations dominating alongside start-ups in various technology, product design and net zero-related fields.

Scotland’s top academic innovators celebrated at Converge awards

Converge heads to London to showcase finalists to investors

Converge took six fledgling Scottish start-ups to London on Thursday 13 October to ‘Spotlight on Innovation’ a special investor-only event organised in partnership with Scottish Development International.

Converge heads to London to showcase finalists to investors

Learning to lead like a mother

Like every parent, I want the best for my child. I want her to be confident whilst feeling supported, loved and self-sufficient. I couldn’t help but see the connection with my team and the kind of leader I aspire to be.

Learning to lead like a mother

Break the bias? Let’s give women the tools to succeed

According to data from the 2019 Rose Review female entrepreneurship is still significantly lagging. So, what more can we do to bring the UK in line with the best international standards?

Break the bias? Let’s give women the tools to succeed

Vital that everything we do as businesses benefits the environment and our society

Environmental, societal and governance (ESG) has become highly topical in the world of business and investment.

Vital that everything we do as businesses benefits the environment and our society

Celebrating more than a decade of economic impact and job creation

Become a partner and help us achieve more

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