Sample Application Form
Applying for our KickStart Challenge? Here’s a preview of the questions you’ll be asked to complete:
Have you previously applied to one of the Converge Challenges?
☐ No
If yes, please clarify what progress you have made since your last application (200 words).
Funding to date (only include funding that has gone to an incorporated business, not research funding paid to a university or paid to an individual).
If the project is a university spinout, please state your proposed spinout date. If the project is a start-up, please state ‘start-up’.
Non-confidential summary (100 words)
- Please provide a brief summary of your idea for an innovative new product/service. This summary may be publicly shared and should not include any confidential information about your business idea.
Marketing Information
- Please provide your business description in 280 CHARACTERS (not words), in the style of a social media bio.
Innovation (200 words)
- What is the innovative element of your business idea?
- How will you prevent others from copying your idea?
- What stage of development is your idea? (e.g., concept stage, prototype stage)
Demonstration of market need (200 words)
- What is the problem or market gap you are addressing with your business idea?
- What are people currently doing to solve this problem?
- How does your product/service idea compare against the existing solutions?
Understanding of your market and customers (200 words)
- Who is likely to buy your product/service?
- What is the potential size and value of your first target market?
- How have you interacted (or how do you plan to interact) with your potential customers?
- How will you get your product/service to your customers?
Viability of proposed business model (100 words)
- How will your business generate income and become financially sustainable?
Clarity of product/service development plan (250 words)
- Please outline your plan for the next 12 months to develop your business idea
- In which areas do you need support to meet your 12-month plan?
- How much money do you think you need to get your idea to the next stage of development? (e.g., from concept to first prototype; from prototype to minimum viable product)
- What skills/team do you currently have? What skills/team will you need to turn your idea into a business?
- What other resources will you need to develop your plan? (e.g., lab access, equipment, software, etc.)
Impact (50 words)
- What is the potential social, cultural, educational or environmental impact of your idea?